Welcome to Cubs!
Cubs is for young people aged 8 to 10½ years.
Being a cub gives you the chance to try lots of new activities, make friends and learn new things.
Cubs meet in ‘Packs’ at the Ponteland Scout Hut once a week. We have one Pack meeting on a Monday evening and another Pack on Wednesday evening, both at 6-7.30pm (timings are subject to alteration).
Read more about what Cubs get up to on the Scouts UK website.
Recent cub activites
Our Cub Packs take part in a wide range of activities throughout the term. Recent activities include the District Cub Camp at Moor House Adventure Centre, County Durham.
Beavers also have the opportunity to take part in local events as part of the wider Scouting community, such as the Christmas Carol Service at St Mary’s Church and the Ponteland Remembrance Day Parade.
Cubs usually work towards one or more badges per half term, whilst enjoying a range of fun activities and challenges.
We are adapting our typical programmes to ensure activities follow national guidance regarding Covid-19. The safety of our youth members and Leaders is the primary concern. More details can be obtained from Leaders or by contacting us.
Some retailers offer discounts to members of the Scouting family. Discounts may vary but it's always worth asking (have the youth member in uniform and/or necker when you go).
The official partner to the Scout Association. 15% off the discount card price for Youth members (20% discount for Leaders).
Offer 15% for members and 20% for Leaders.
10% discount.
10% discount.