Welcome to Beavers!
Beavers are the youngest members of our Scouting family.
There is plenty of fun and adventure – Beavers try lots of new things, earn badges and learn new skills.
We have two colonies, one meets on a Tuesday evening (5.30-6.30pm) and the other on a Thursday evening (6-7pm). Timings are subject to alteration.
Beavers activities
Our Beavers colonies take part in a wide range of activities throughout the term.
Beavers also have the opportunity to take part in local events as part of the wider Scouting community, such as the Christmas Carol Service at St Mary’s Church and the Ponteland Remembrance Day Parade. Recent events include a sleepover at Timestep Activity Centre, Blyth.
Beavers usually work towards one or more badges per half-term. Here is an example of a half-term programme of activities, where Beavers work toward their International Badge:
- Welcoming new Beavers & setting up new lodges
- Learning flags and songs from other countries
- Learning about Beavers in other countries and greetings in other languages
- Foods from other countries
- Young Leaders session
- Problem solving games & investing our new Beavers
Ready to start the adventure?
Some retailers offer discounts to members of the Scouting family. Discounts may vary but it's always worth asking (have the youth member in uniform and/or necker when you go).
The official partner to the Scout Association. 15% off the discount card price for Youth members (20% discount for Leaders).
Offer 15% for members and 20% for Leaders.
10% discount.
10% discount.